19th Annual Albany New Year’s Scrabble Tournament
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Thanks for attending the 19th Annual Annual Albany New Year's Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this holiday season to ring in the New Year with Scrabble, along with a side of friendship and camaraderie. Let's Play Scrabble in 2025!
Important Info
Please Check Out of the Hotel BEFORE the morning session, as there will be no break.
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Links to Local News Coverage of Tournament
Scrabble Returns to Albany: Local News Coverage, Channel 6
New Year's Scrabble Tournament: Local News Coverage, Channel 10
Scrabble Enthusiast Gather: Times Union Newspaper
Playing Room
Main Ballroom, far end
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Thank You to
We're thrilled to have two sponsors; both NASPA Games and Bob Linn supporting this event, bringing you the best in competitive Scrabble action!
NASPA Games and Bob Linn for Proudly Sponsoring Streaming of the Main Event Games Stream
Bob Linn for the sponsorship for those new to Collins CSW Sponsorship
Current Standing Here: Standings
Collins Leaders
Division A 1st-4th: (A6) Ben Schoenbrun 20-4 +1044, (A1) Joshua Castellano 17-7 +1742, (A2) Austin Shin 16-8 +1316, (A4) Matthew O'Connor 16-8 +633
Division A Class: (A12) Daniel Blake 16-8 +5, (A11) Tim Weiss 15-9 +670
Division B 1st-4th: (B11) Mike Downey 16.5-7.5 +1414 , (B3) Cheryl Melvin 16-8 +1250 , (B1) Paula Catanese 16-8 +1204, (B2) Jane Geary 16-8 +535
Division B Class: (B14) Elise Bickford 15.5-8.5 +108
Collins High Loss Prizes $20
Division A High Loss Rounds 17-20 (A7) Jason Keller 436-452 vs. (A14) Terry Kang
Division A High Loss Rounds 21-24 (A10) Jason Ubeika 465-484 vs. (A4) Matthew O'Connor
Division B High Loss Rounds 17-20 (B8) Kia Lindsay 478-527 vs. (B4)Sharmaine Farini
Division B High Loss Rounds 21-24 (B12) Mireille Huneault 433-438 vs. (B1) Paula Catanese tied with (B14) Elise Bickford 433-446 vs. (B9) Sophia Ozorio
Collins New Word Prizes $20
82 - BROIEST - Mike Downey
63 - SEALION - Suzanna D’Costa
41 - SEAX - Dan Blake
35 - BAW - Jason Keller
NWL Leaders
Division A 1st-4th: (A5) Zachary Ansell 16-8 +1423 , (A9) Jonathan Lindh 16-8 +393, (A1) Joey Mallick 15-9 +1165, (A3) Karl Higby 15-9 +498
Division A Class: (A13) Joel Horn 14-10 +178, (A15) Jason Vaysberg 14-10 +30
Division B 1st-3rd: (B8) Evan Chester 16.5-7.5 +453, (B5) Nancy Bowen 16-8 +776, (B2) Brian McCarthy 15.5-8.5 +697
Division B Class: (B12)Joshua Pepper14-10 -164
Division C 1st-5th: (C9) Dalton Hoffine 19-5 +1501, (C8) Michael Galloway 17-7 +972, (C22) Jonathan Cai 16-8 +656, (C4) Andrew Wilen 16-8 +567, (C3) Don Drumm 15.5-8.5 +198
Division C Class: (C18) Deb Mulrooney 15-9 +795
NWL Low Win Prizes $20
Division A High Loss Rounds 17-20 (A7) Eric Harshbarger 445-452 vs. (A14) Richard Popper
Division A High Loss Rounds 21-24 (A14) Richard Popper 424-449 vs. (A6) Eric Goldstein
Division B High Loss Rounds 17-20 (B2) Brian McCarthy 457-474 vs. (B8) Evan Chester
Division B High Loss Rounds 21-24 (B1) Cynthia Seales 428-469 vs. (B14) Susan Saidenberg
Division C High Loss Rounds 17-20 (C20) Lea Shin 391-427 vs. (C11) Judi Boviard
Division C High Loss Rounds 21-24 (C1) Linda Wancel 429-463 vs. (C20) Lea Shin
Reduced Price Grab and Go Lunch
Reduced price "Grab & Go" lunch menu available to Scrabblers. There will be printed copies in the playing room, so you can pick up your order form there.
Wednesday Jan 1
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 25-28 (prize for best record lower half, no lunch break), prize ceremony follows, Please come to the morning session checked out of the hotel
Upcoming Tournaments
Prize payments
If you win a prize, you'll receive an envelope with an informational sheet that asks you how you'd like to be paid. For security reasons, we only pay prizes in cash if they are $99 or less. Above that amount we offer a variety of ways to be electronically paid. Click here to see the info form you'll receive so you can be ready to receive a prize.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. There will be one class prize per division (see what class your in on standings computers) Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes . If you want more info on how they work ask your director.
Photo Updates
If you'd like to update your photo, see Kieran.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Photos: Trivia TEams and DOor Prizes
The Winning Trivia Team
Trivia Team
Trivia Team
Trivia Team
Trivia TEam
Trivia TEam
Morning Door Prizes
Afternoon Door Prizes
End of January 1st briefing
19th Annual Albany New Year’s Scrabble Tournament
TUESDAY, December 31, 2024
Thanks for attending the 19th Annual Annual Albany New Year's Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this holiday season to ring in the New Year with Scrabble, along with a side of friendship and camaraderie. Let's Play Scrabble in 2025!
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Playing Room
Main Ballroom, far end
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Thank You to
We're thrilled to have two sponsors; both NASPA Games and Bob Linn supporting this event, bringing you the best in competitive Scrabble action!
NASPA Games and Bob Linn for Proudly Sponsoring Streaming of the Main Event Games Stream
Bob Linn for the sponsorship for those new to Collins CSW Sponsorship
Current Standing Here: Standings
Collins Leaders
Division A 1st-4th: (A6) Ben Schoenbrun 14-2 +728, (A12) Daniel Blake 13-3 +594, (A11) Tim Weiss 12-4 +945, (A4) Matthew O'Connor 12-4 +693
Division A Class: (A13) Niel Gan 7-9 -104
Division B 1st-4th: (B3) Cheryl Melvin 12-4 +1170 , (B11) Mike Downey 10.5-5.5 +735, (B14) Elise Bickford 10.5-5.5 -188, (B1) Paula Catanese 10-6 +1031
Division B Class: (B2) Jane Geary 10-6 +256
Collins Low Win Prizes $20
Division A Low Win Rounds 9-12 (A18)Shauna Petrie 390-338 vs. (A7)Jason Keller
Division A Low Win Rounds 13-16 (A15)Lindsay Shin 348-341 vs. (A17)Heidi Robertson
Division B Low Win Rounds 9-12 (B9)Sophia Ozorio 344-295 vs. (B20)Karen Slegers
Division B Low Win Rounds 13-16 (B6)Gerianne Abriano 338-322 vs. (B3)Cheryl Melvin
Collins New Word Prizes $20
86 - Eyeroll - Heidi Robertson
35 - Indy - Ben Schoenbrun
27 - Copi - Becky Dyer
tie-21 - Waifu - Becky Dyer
tie-21 - Waifu - Dan Blake
NWL Leaders
Division A 1st-4th: (A5) Zachary Ansell 12-4 +1251, (A2) Christopher Sykes 12-4 +733 , (A1) Joey Mallick 11-5 +1072, (A9)Jonathan Lindh 11-5 +212
Division A Class: (A17) (A15) Jason Vaysberg 10-6 +186
Division B 1st-3rd: (B8) Evan Chester 11.5-4.5 +521,(B7) Cameron Siegal 11-5 +818, (B5) Nancy Bowen 11-5 +665
Division B Class: (B12) Joshua Pepper 10-6 +228
Division C 1st-5th: (C9) Dalton Hoffine 15-1 +1448 , (C8) Michael Galloway 13-3 +1189 , (C22) Jonathan Cai 12-4 +680, (C18) Deb Mulrooney 11-5 +626, (C4) Andrew Wilen 11-5 +419
Division C Class: (C21) Les Hipenbecker 9.5-6.5 -72
NWL Low Win Prizes $20
Division A Low Win Rounds 9-12 1-4 (A2) Christopher Sykes 336-330 vs. (A17) Michael Ecsedy
Division A Low Win Rounds 13-16 (A13) Joel Horn 356-341 vs. (A22) Benjamin Ansell
Division B Low Win Rounds 9-12 (B12) Joshua Pepper 340-298 vs. (B11) Susan Blanchard
Division B Low Win Rounds 13-16 (B9) Beth Mix 332-324 vs. (B2) Brian McCarthy
Division C Low Win Rounds 9-12 (C16) Joyslin Hodge-Watson 291-278 vs. (C4) Andrew Wilen
Division C Low Win Rounds 13-16 (C16) Joyslin Hodge-Watson 325-310 vs. (C7) Craig Wilen
Reduced Price Grab and Go Lunch
Reduced price "Grab & Go" lunch menu available to Scrabblers. There will be printed copies in the playing room, so you can pick up your order form there.
Tuesday Dec 31
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 17-20 (prize for high loss)
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 21-24 (prize for high loss)
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM New Year's Eve! After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Wednesday Jan 1
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 25-28 (prize for best record lower half, no lunch break), prize ceremony follows
Upcoming Tournaments
Prize payments
If you win a prize, you'll receive an envelope with an informational sheet that asks you how you'd like to be paid. For security reasons, we only pay prizes in cash if they are $99 or less. Above that amount we offer a variety of ways to be electronically paid. Click here to see the info form you'll receive so you can be ready to receive a prize.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. There will be one class prize per division (see what class your in on standings computers) Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes . If you want more info on how they work ask your director.
Photo Updates
If you'd like to update your photo, see Kieran.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Photos of door prize winners and hosted dinner
Door Prize Winners
Josh Greenway Hosted Dinner
Beth Mix Hosted Dinner
End of December 31st briefing
19th Annual Albany New Year’s Scrabble Tournament
Monday, December 30, 2024
Thanks for attending the 19th Annual Annual Albany New Year's Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this holiday season to ring in the New Year with Scrabble, along with a side of friendship and camaraderie. Let's Play Scrabble in 2025!
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Playing Room
Main Ballroom, far end
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Thank You to
We're thrilled to have two sponsors; both NASPA Games and Bob Linn supporting this event, bringing you the best in competitive Scrabble action!
NASPA Games and Bob Linn for Proudly Sponsoring Streaming of the Main Event Games Stream
Bob Linn for the sponsorship for those new to Collins CSW Sponsorship
Current Standing Here: Standings
Collins Leaders
Division A 1st-4th: (A12) Daniel Blake 8-0 +662, (A6) Ben Schoenbrun 8-0 +546. (A4) Matthew O'Connor 7-1 +516, (A11) Tim Weiss 6-2 +577
Division A Class: (A14) Terry Kang 5-3 -45
Division B 1st-4th: (B3) Cheryl Melvin 7-1 +473, (B4) Sharmaine Farini 6-2 +712 , (B1) Paula Catanese 6-2 +550, (B11) Mike Downey 6-2 +495
Division B Class: (B2) Jane Geary 5-3 +161
Collins High Win Prizes $20
Division A High Win Rounds 1-4 (A7)Jason Keller 602-252 vs. (A15)Lindsay Shin
Division A High Win Rounds 5-8 (A11) Tim Weiss 624-295 vs. (A17)Heidi Robertson
Division B High Win Rounds 1-4 (B11) Mike Downey 497-285 vs. (B12)Mireille Huneault
Division B High Win Rounds 5-8 (B4) Sharmaine Farini 588-275 vs. (B13)Ather Sharif
Collins New Word Prizes $20
78pts - SEALION - Dan Blake
70pts - SPLOOTS - Kaia
54pts - COVID - Josh Sokol
22pts - OWO - Shauna Petrie
NWL Leaders
Division A 1st-4th: (A5) Zachary Ansell 6-2 +578 , (A2) Christopher Sykes 6-2 +401, (A1) Joey Mallick 6-2 +363, (A9)Jonathan Lindh 6-2 +221
Division A Class: (A17) Michael Ecsedy 5-3 +89
Division B 1st-3rd: (B3) Michael Wolfberg 6-2 +645, (B4) Lobo 6-2 +445, (B8)Evan Chester 6-2 +374
Division B Class: (B9) Beth Mix 6-2 +14
Division C 1st-5th: (C9) Dalton Hoffine 8-0 +663, (C18) Deb Mulrooney 7-1 +444, (C8) Michael Galloway 6-2 +616, (C3) Don Drumm 6-2 +238, (C7) Craig Wilen 6-2 +182
Division C Class: (C12) Sharon Janssen 5-3 +365
NWL High Win Prizes $20
Division A High Win Rounds 1-4 (A13) Joel Horn 591-279 vs. (A15) Jason Vaysberg
Division A High Win Rounds 5-8 (A6) Eric Goldstein 521-401 vs. (A15) Jason Vaysberg
Division B High Win Rounds 1-4 (B4)Yvonne Lobo 630-372 vs. (B9)Beth Mix
Division B High Win Rounds 5-8 (B10)Harry Chan 498-488 vs. (B4)Yvonne Lobo
Division C High Win Rounds 1-4 (C13)Greg Golding 493-319 vs. (C24)Edward Phelps
Division C High Win Rounds 5-8 (C8)Michael Galloway 523-273 vs. (C25)Ida Ann Shapiro
Reduced Price Grab and Go Lunch
Reduced price "Grab & Go" lunch menu available to Scrabblers. There will be printed copies in the playing room, so you can pick up your order form there.
Monday Dec 30
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 9-12
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 13-16
7:15 PM - 9:00 PM Hosted Dinners with Josh Greenway and Beth Mix
9:15 PM - 10:45 PM Team Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Tuesday Dec 31
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 17-20
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 21-24
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM New Year's Eve! After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Wednesday Jan 1
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 25-28 (no lunch break), prize ceremony follows
Upcoming Tournaments
Prize payments
If you win a prize, you'll receive an envelope with an informational sheet that asks you how you'd like to be paid. For security reasons, we only pay prizes in cash if they are $99 or less. Above that amount we offer a variety of ways to be electronically paid. Click here to see the info form you'll receive so you can be ready to receive a prize.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. There will be one class prize per division (see what class your in on standings computers) Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes . If you want more info on how they work ask your director.
Photo Updates
If you'd like to update your photo, see Kieran.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Photos from Early Bird, Today's Door Prizes, Scrabble Action and HOSTED DINNER
Early Bird Winners Collins Division A
Joshua, Robert and Matthew
Early Bird Winners Collins Division B
Steve, Paula, Ather
Early Bird Winners TWL Division A,
Zach, Dustin, Barry
Early Bird Winners TWL Division B,
Jason, Michael, Richard
Early Bird Winners TWL Division C
Judy, Yvonne, Evan
Early Bird Winners TWL Division D
Joshua, Linda, (Cheryl Kagan missing)
Early Bird Winners TWL Division E,
Amika, Greg
Door Prize Winners - Judi, Jason, Les, Mireille, Barry
Director Kieran in Action
Hosted Dinner with the Shins at Delmonico's
End of December 30th briefing
19th Annual Albany New Year’s Scrabble Tournament
SunDay, December 29, 2024
Thanks for attending the 19th Annual Annual Albany New Year's Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this holiday season to ring in the New Year with Scrabble, along with a side of friendship and camaraderie. Let's Play Scrabble in 2025!
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Playing Room
Main Ballroom, far end
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Thank You to
NASPA Games and Bob Linn for Proudly Sponsoring Streaming of the Main Event Games Stream
Bob Linn for the sponsorship for those new to Collins CSW Sponsorship
Early Bird Standings and Prizes. Full Results Here: Standings
Division A
1st: (A1) Joshua Castellano 7-0 +845 $60
2nd: (A5) Robert Linn 4-3 +16 $30
3rd: (A2) Matthew O'Connor 3-4 -16 $20
Division B
1st: (B1) Steve Ozorio 6-1 +807 $60
2nd: (B2) Paula Catanese 5-2 +501 $40
3rd: (B7) Ather Sharif 5-2 +299 $30
High Win (B7) Ather Sharif 552-320 vs. (B3)William Pizer, $20 round 5
Division A
1st: (A3) Zachary Ansell 6-1 +354 $60
2nd: (A8) Dustin Dean 5-2 +15 $30
3rd: (A7) Barry Keith 4-3 +211 $20
Division B
1st: (B3) Jason Vaysberg 6-1 +434 $60
2nd: (B4) Michael Ecsedy 5-2 +494 $30
3rd: (B2) Richard Popper 5-2 +179 $20
Division C
1st: (C6) Judy Cole 6-1 +404 $60
2nd: (C1) Yvonne Lobo 5-2 +543 $30
3rd: (C4)Evan Chester 5-2 +188 $20
Division D
1st: (D3) Cheryl Kagan 5-2 +290 $60
2nd: (D1) Joshua Pepper 5-2 +151 $30
3rd: (D5) Linda Wancel 4.5-2.5 +84 $20
Division E
1st: (E3) Amika Gair-MacMichael 6-1 $60
2nd: (E2)Greg Golding 5-2 +526 4 $30
Reduced Price Grab and Go Lunch
Reduced price "Grab & Go" lunch menu available to Scrabblers. There will be printed copies in the playing room, so you can pick up your order form there.
Hosted Dinners STILL ROOM
Still time to sign up for the the Hosted Dinners. More information and sign ups here: Hosted Dinner Sign Up
Sunday December 29, @7:30pm with Lindsay & Austin Shin at Delmonico's Menu
1553 Central Ave, Albany, NY 12205 (8 min drive / 50 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Monday December 30, @7:30pm with Josh Greenway at Maharajah Menu
10 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205 (7 min drive / 45 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Monday December 30, @7:30pm with Beth Mix at Marriott Albany Menu
Marriott Hotel restaurant (tournament hotel)
Sunday Dec 29
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 1-4
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 5-8
7:15 PM - 9:00 PM Hosted Dinners (sign up form)
8:15 PM - 11:00 PM Try CSW Social Event. Come by for a chance to win cash prizes and enjoy a free dessert. Give Collins a try in a relaxed way (team games, fun challenges). Sponsored by Bob Linn.
Monday Dec 30
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 9-12
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 13-16
7:15 PM - 9:00 PM Hosted Dinners (sign up form)
9:15 PM - 10:45 PM Team Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Tuesday Dec 31
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 17-20
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 21-24
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM New Year's Eve! After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Wednesday Jan 1
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 25-28 (no lunch break), prize ceremony follows
Upcoming Tournaments
Prize payments
If you win a prize, you'll receive an envelope with an informational sheet that asks you how you'd like to be paid. For security reasons, we only pay prizes in cash if they are $99 or less. Above that amount we offer a variety of ways to be electronically paid. Click here to see the info form you'll receive so you can be ready to receive a prize.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. There will be one class prize per division (see what class your in on standings computers) Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes . If you want more info on how they work ask your director.
Photo Updates
If you'd like to update your photo, see Kieran.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Door Prize winners
Door Prize Announcement
Josh tells players about the door prizes while Kieran looks on
Winners Terry Kang and Michael Fleck
Winners Harry Chan and Beth Mix
End of December 29th briefing
19th Annual Albany New Year’s Scrabble Tournament
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Thanks for attending the 19th Annual Annual Albany New Year's Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this holiday season to ring in the New Year with Scrabble, along with a side of friendship and camaraderie. Let's Play Scrabble in 2025!
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Sign up for tonight's Pizza Party with Games here: Sign up for Pizza Party Must have order in by 3PM Saturday for 7:30pm food delivery
Playing Room
Main Ballroom, far end
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Reduced Price Grab and Go Lunch
Reduced price "Grab & Go" lunch menu available to Scrabblers. There will be printed copies in the playing room, so you can pick up your order form there.
Hosted Dinners
Still time to sign up for the the Hosted Dinners. More information and sign ups here: Hosted Dinner Sign Up
Sunday December 29, @7:30pm with Lindsay & Austin Shin at Delmonico's Menu
1553 Central Ave, Albany, NY 12205 (8 min drive / 50 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Monday December 30, @7:30pm with Josh Greenway at Maharajah Menu
10 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY 12205 (7 min drive / 45 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Monday December 30, @7:30pm with Beth Mix at Marriott Albany Menu
Marriott Hotel restaurant (tournament hotel)
Saturday Dec 28
11:30 AM - 3:15 PM Early Bird Rounds 1-4, then 30 minute snack break
3:45 PM - 6:45 PM Early Bird Rounds 5-7
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Pizza Party. Order pizza by the slice, play Scrabble or other games with your friends: Sign up for Pizza Party Must have order in by 3PM Saturday for 7:30pm food delivery
Sunday Dec 29
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 1-4
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 5-8
7:15 PM - 9:00 PM Hosted Dinners (sign up form)
9:15 PM - 12:00 AM After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Monday Dec 30
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 9-12
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 13-16
7:15 PM - 9:00 PM Hosted Dinners (sign up form)
9:15 PM - 10:45 PM Team Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)
10:45 PM - 12:00 AM After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Tuesday Dec 31
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 17-20
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 21-24
8:00 PM - 12:00 AM New Year's Eve! After hours in game room, play Scrabble or other board games with your friends.
Wednesday Jan 1
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 25-28 (no lunch break), prize ceremony follows
1:30 PM - 12:00 AM Game room available for play
Upcoming Tournaments
Prize payments
If you win a prize, you'll receive an envelope with an informational sheet that asks you how you'd like to be paid. For security reasons, we only pay prizes in cash if they are $99 or less. Above that amount we offer a variety of ways to be electronically paid. Click here to see the info form you'll receive so you can be ready to receive a prize.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. The NWL divisions each have two or three classes, while Collins divisions have two classes. Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes
Photo Updates
If you'd like to update your photo, see Kieran.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Your Hosts Josh and Kieran Welcome you
End of December 28th briefing
2024 Lake George Tournament Daily Briefing
Sunday, OCTOBER 20 2024
Thanks for attending the Annual Lake George Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this fall to enjoy the changing seasons, the competitive Scrabble, as well as the friendship and camaraderie.
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Playing Room: Surfside on the Lake, Premier Building, 3rd floor for both early birds.
For the main event, 3rd floor for divisions A, B, and C and Collins, 2nd floor for divisions D and E.
Wifi password: Network: Surfside Guest Password: lakeg400
Note: Breakfast is not available at the host hotel.
Photo Updates
If you'd like to update your photo, see Kieran.
Standings: Main Event After 11 Rounds
Collins : Matthew Tunnicliffe leads division A with a 9-2 record. Joshua Castellano, Josh Sokol, and Erickson Smith are all within striking range
Niel Gan and Sohaib Sanaulla are both 10-1 in division B, with Justin Morris at 8-3
Standings Here: CSW Standings
NWL: Jackson Smylie is in first in division A with a 10-1 record. Jason Li is 8-3 and Cesar Del Solar, Joey Mallick, Chloe Fatsis, John Stardom, Lisa Odom and Seth Lipkin are all 7-4
Ryan Chepita tops Division B alone at 9-2 with Mark Abadi and Paul Avrin at 8-3.
Frances Shaw leads Division C with a 9-2 with Cameron Siegal close behind at 8-3.
Evan Chester and Russell McKinstry are both 9-2 in Division D. Still in the running are Cornelia Guest, Amika Gair-MacMichael and Linda Tilley at 8-3
Sally Reeser, Buffy Hogan, and Cynthia Scotti, are all 8-3 in Division E
Standings Here: NWL Standings
Round 4-7: High Win, $20
Collins: Division A: (A2)Matthew Tunnicliffe 741-368 vs. (A1)Joshua Castellano
Division B: (B1)Sue Tremblay 523-390 vs. (B14)Daniyal Sanaullah
NWL: Division A: (A9)Seth Lipkin 562-368 vs. (A15)Morris Greenberg
Division B: (B5)Hank Hees 607-271 vs. (B3)Joel Horn
Division C: (C4)Lilla Sinanan 474-451 vs. (C2)Keith Hagel
Division D: (D22)Dalton Hoffine 514-385 vs. (D7)Marwan Saadi
Division E: (E17)Diane Blackwell 590-277 vs. (E18)Julia Lebow
Round 8-12: Low Win, $20
Collins: Division A: (A9)Robert Linn 409-400 vs. (A12)Tim Weiss
Division B: (B13)Andrea Hatch 391-347 vs. (B5)Heidi Robertson
NWL: Division A: (A14)Jeremy Hall 321-297 vs. (A26)David Weisberg
Division B: (B9)Noah Goldstein 357-346 vs. (B23)Sary Karanofsky
Division C: (C17)Harry Chan 316-203 vs. (C13)Joseph Bowman
Division D: (D7)Marwan Saadi 318-290 vs. (D1)Julia Bogle
Division E: (E19)Ryan Adams 316-285 vs. (E18)Julia Lebow
Restaurant Sponsor
Lake House Grill is our restaurant sponsor is offering 15% off to all Scrabblers who say 'Let's Play Scrabble'
Lake House Grill, 2897 Lake Shore Dr, Lake George, NY 12845, United States (1 min drive / 5 min walk)
Friday open for dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Saturday open for dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Stream and Event Sponsor
NASPA is generously sponsoring the Ultimate Clash of Champions: Mack Meller versus Josh Sokol live stream and providing three SPC Satellite Awards (free entry to the Scrabble Players Championship) for the tournament.
Sunday, October 20, Main Event Schedule, cont.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 12-15 (no lunch break), prize ceremony follows Livestream
Prize payments
If you win a prize, you'll receive an envelope with an informational sheet that asks you how you'd like to be paid. For security reasons, we only pay prizes in cash if they are $99 or less. Above that amount we offer a variety of ways to be electronically paid. Click here to see the info form you'll receive so you can be ready to receive a prize.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. The NWL divisions each have two or three classes, while Collins divisions have two classes. Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes
Upcoming Tournaments
Join us again at New Year's 2025 and CSC/Belleville 2025
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
End of October 20th briefing
2024 Lake George Tournament Daily Briefing
Saturday, OCTOBER 19 2024
Thanks for attending the Annual Lake George Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this fall to enjoy the changing seasons, the competitive Scrabble, as well as the friendship and camaraderie.
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Playing Room: Surfside on the Lake, Premier Building, 3rd floor for both early birds.
For the main event, 3rd floor for divisions A, B, and C and Collins, 2nd floor for divisions D and E.
Wifi password: Network: Surfside Guest Password: lakeg400
Note: Breakfast is not available at the host hotel.
Photo Updates
If you'd like to update your photo, see Kieran.
Prize Winners from Early Bird 2
Congrats to today's prize Winners!
Collins: (A1)Joshua Castellano, (B3)Jason Ubeika Details here: CSW prizes
NWL: (A1)Mack Meller, (B1)Wallace Schultz, (C2)Hank Hees ,(D4)Carol McDonald , (E3)Patrick Beatrez, (F2)Harry Chan,
(G3)Susan Saidenberg, (H3)Mary Pastore, (I2)Greg Golding, (J9)Elise Bickford Details here: NWL prizes
Standings Main Event
Collins : Josh Sokol and Joshua Castellano are undefeated in A,
Sohaib Sanaulla and Sue Tremblay undefeated in B.
Standings Here: CSW Standings
NWL: Jeffrey Nelson, Jackson Smylie and Ed Liebfried are undefeated in A.
Mark Abadi, Ryan Chepita, Joel Horn, Hank Hees, and Paul Avrin are undefeated in B.
Lilla Sinanan, Joe Giebler, Keith Hagel, Frances Shaw, and Paul Hunsberger are undefeated in C.
Wilma Pitzer, Evan Chester, Cornelia Guest, Russell McKinstry, Shubha Kamath, and Linda Tilley are undefeated in D.
Edward Phelps, Cynthia Scotti, and Pamela Hunter are undefeated in E.
Standings Here: NWL Standings
Round 1-3 Prizes $20 Ratings Upset
Collins: Division A Ratings Upset Win Rounds 1-3: (A14)Shan Abbasi 455-390 vs. (A3)Matthew O'Connor
Division B Ratings Upset Win Rounds 1-3: (B12)Cheryl Melvin 377-371 vs. (B3)Roger Cullman
NWL: Division A Ratings Upset Win Rounds 1-3: (A26)David Weisberg 2119-1710=409, 423-331 vs. (A1)Mack Meller
Division B Ratings Upset Win Rounds 1-3: (B27)Yvonne Lobo 1564-1369=195, 398-366 vs. (B9)Noah Goldstein
Division C Ratings Upset Win Rounds 1-3: (C27)Margo Kuno 1367-1185=182, 362-337 vs. (C1)Susan Bertoni
Division D Ratings Upset Win Rounds 1-3: (D25)Andrew Rosen 1176-936=240, 353-256 vs. (D1)Julia Bogle
Division E Ratings Upset Win Rounds 1-3: (E16)Cynthia Scotti 411-395 vs. (E2)Sharon Dalgliesh
Restaurant Sponsor
Lake House Grill is our restaurant sponsor is offering 15% off to all Scrabblers who say 'Let's Play Scrabble'
Lake House Grill, 2897 Lake Shore Dr, Lake George, NY 12845, United States (1 min drive / 5 min walk)
Friday open for dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Saturday open for dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Stream and Event Sponsor
NASPA is generously sponsoring the Ultimate Clash of Champions: Mack Meller versus Josh Sokol live stream and providing three SPC Satellite Awards (free entry to the Scrabble Players Championship) for the tournament.
Saturday , October 19, Main Event Schedule, cont.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 4-7 Livestream
2:45 PM - 6:30 PM Main Event Rounds 8-11 Livestream
7:15 PM - 9:15 PM Hosted DInners: Beth Mix at Mezzaluna , Mack Meller at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen, Seth Lipkin at Lake House Grill
9:30 PM - 11:00 PM Team Trivia. Participation is free. Teams up to 5 players. Cash prizes!
Sunday, October 20, Main Event Schedule, cont.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 12-15 (no lunch break), prize ceremony follows Livestream
Hosted Dinners
Hosted dinners are full. Assignments are finalized and those who signed up were sent an email with the details of the dinner.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. The NWL divisions each have three classes (prizes for the winners of class B and C in each division), while Collins divisions have two classes (prizes for the winners of class B in each division).
Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes
Upcoming Tournaments
Join us again at New Year's 2025 and CSC/Belleville 2025
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Friday Pics of the Day FROM LAKE GEORGE 2024
Great Commentary from Matt and Annette
Jeff Defeats Chloe by keeping the board closed
Jackson wins Game 3 against Michael to remain undefeated
Jackson in a post game interview
End of October 19th briefing
2024 Lake George Tournament Daily Briefing
friday, OCTOBER 18 2024
Thanks for attending the Annual Lake George Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this fall to enjoy the changing seasons, the competitive Scrabble, as well as the friendship and camaraderie.
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Playing Room: Surfside on the Lake, Premier Building, 3rd floor for both early birds.
For the main event, 3rd floor for divisions A, B, and C and Collins, 2nd floor for divisions D and E.
Wifi password: Network: Surfside Guest Password: lakeg400
Note: Breakfast is not available at the host hotel.
Prize Winners from Early Bird 1
Congrats to today's prize Winners!
Ultimate Clash of Champions: Mack Meller triumphed over Josh Sokol 4-2. Watch the recording here: Ultimate Clash
Collins: (#1)Joshua Castellano Details here : CSW prizes
NWL: (A2)Lisa Odom, (B1)David Weisberg, (C2)Patrick Beatrez, (D2)Oscar Freire, (E4)Ruth Brower Details here: NWL prizes
Restaurant Sponsor
Lake House Grill is our restaurant sponsor is offering 15% off to all Scrabblers who say 'Let's Play Scrabble'
Lake House Grill, 2897 Lake Shore Dr, Lake George, NY 12845, United States (1 min drive / 5 min walk)
Friday open for dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Saturday open for dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Stream and Event Sponsor
NASPA is generously sponsoring the Ultimate Clash of Champions: Mack Meller versus Josh Sokol live stream and providing three SPC Satellite Awards (free entry to the Scrabble Players Championship) for the tournament.
Friday, October 18, Early Bird 2 and Main Event Schedule
11:30 AM - 4:30 PM Early Bird 2 Rounds 1-5
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Check in at the registration desk (3rd floor) by 7 PM on Friday or you may be dropped from Round 1
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Main Event Rounds 1-3 Livestream
Saturday , October 19, Main Event Schedule, cont.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 4-7 Livestream
2:45 PM - 6:30 PM Main Event Rounds 8-11 Livestream
7:15 PM - 9:15 PM Hosted DInners: Beth Mix at Mezzaluna , Mack Meller at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen, Seth Lipkin at Lake House Grill
9:30 PM - 11:00 PM Team Trivia. Participation is free. Teams up to 5 players. Cash prizes!
Sunday, October 20, Main Event Schedule, cont.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 12-15 (no lunch break), prize ceremony follows Livestream
Hosted Dinners
Hosted dinners are full. Assignments will be finalized and communicated on Friday.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. The NWL divisions each have three classes (prizes for the winners of class B and C in each division), while Collins divisions have two classes (prizes for the winners of class B in each division).
Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes
Upcoming Tournaments
Join us again at New Year's 2025 and CSC/Belleville 2025
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
THursday Pics of the Day FROM LAKE GEORGE 2024
Congrats to Mack Meller for his 4-2 victory over Josh Sokol
The Livestream Set up
Game 6 Board
Congrats To Lisa Odom for winning TWL Early Bird 1
Congrats to Joshua Castellano for winning CSW Early bird 1
End of October 18th briefing
THursday, OCTOBER 17 2024
Thanks for attending the Annual Lake George Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us this fall to enjoy the changing seasons, the competitive Scrabble, as well as the friendship and camaraderie.
Important Info
If you are running late, please call or text Kieran at 315-481-8541.
Playing Room: Surfside on the Lake, Premier Building, 3rd floor for both early birds.
For the main event, 3rd floor for divisions A, B, and C, 2nd floor for divisions D and E.
Wifi password: Network: Surfside Guest Password: lakeg400
Restaurant Sponsor
Lake House Grill is our restaurant sponsor is offering 15% off to all Scrabblers who say 'Let's Play Scrabble'
Lake House Grill, 2897 Lake Shore Dr, Lake George, NY 12845, United States (1 min drive / 5 min walk)
Friday open for breakfast (7:30-11:30 AM), and dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Saturday open for breakfast (7:30-11:30 AM), and dinner (4:00-8:30 PM)
Sunday open for breakfast (7:30-11:30 AM)
Stream and Event Sponsor
NASPA is generously sponsoring the Ultimate Clash of Champions: Mack Meller versus Josh Sokol live stream and providing three SPC Satellite Awards (free entry to the Scrabble Players Championship) for the tournament.
Thursday, October 17, Early Bird 1 Schedule
11:30 AM - 3:15 PM Early Bird 1 Rounds 1-4, followed by short break
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM Ultimate Clash of Champions: Meller vs Sokol. Livestream
3:45 PM - 6:45 PM Early Bird 1 Rounds 5-7
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Pizza Party. Sign up on-site by 6:30 to order pizza by the slice, and play Scrabble and other board games with your friends
Friday, October 18, Early Bird 2 and Main Event Schedule
11:30 AM - 4:30 PM Early Bird 2 Rounds 1-5
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Check in at the registration desk (3rd floor) by 7 PM on Friday or you may be dropped from Round 1
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Main Event Rounds 1-3 Livestream
Saturday , October 19, Main Event Schedule, cont.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 4-7 Livestream
2:45 PM - 6:30 PM Main Event Rounds 8-11 Livestream
7:15 PM - 9:15 PM Hosted DInners: Beth Mix at Mezzaluna , Mack Meller at Charlie's Bar & Kitchen, Seth Lipkin at Lake House Grill
9:30 PM - 11:00 PM Team Trivia. Participation is free. Teams up to 5 players. Cash prizes!
Sunday, October 20, Main Event Schedule, cont.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 12-15 (no lunch break), prize ceremony follows Livestream
Sign up for a Hosted Dinner
There are still spaces available for hosted dinners. Sign up at this link: Hosted Dinners. Assignments will be finalized and communicated by Friday.
Class Prizes
Class Prizes are offered in the main event. The NWL divisions each have three classes (prizes for the winners of class B and C in each division), while Collins divisions have two classes (prizes for the winners of class B in each division).
Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes
Upcoming Tournaments
Join us again at New Year's 2025 and CSC/Belleville 2025
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on YouTube. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Live Streaming
Ultimate Clash of Champions: Mack Meller vs Josh Sokol
Thursday Oct 17 3pm-9pm ET
Lake George Scrabble Tournament Live Stream
Friday Oct 18 730pm-1030pm ET
Saturday Oct 19 930am-645pm ET
Sunday Oct 20 930am-130pm ET
End of October 17th briefing
2024 Fourth of July Tournament Daily Briefing
Sunday, July 7 2024
NOTE: Main Event Play begins at 9:30 AM Sunday Morning. Please come to the playing room checked out of your hotel room.
Thanks for attending the 27th annual Fourth of of July Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled that you joined us for this multiday tile shuffling, bingo-making, friendship building time.
Important Info
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Lunch only option at the hotel bar. Enjoy a discounted menu of to-go options. You can order ahead and pick up your lunch after morning games.
Sunday, July 7 Schedule
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 24-27 (no lunch or other breaks, please check out before start of play) prize ceremony follows
We will be pairing round by round. Please come to the playing room checked into Scrabble and checked out of your hotel room. You can store you luggage in the playing room or across the hall.
Saturday Prizes: Low Win Rounds 16-23
Congrats to today's prize Winners!
Collins: (#18) Anthony Ikolo Details here: CSW prizes
NWL: (A2) Christopher Sykes, (B12) Daniel Tinkelman, (C29) Derry Loucks Details here: NWL prizes
Prize payments
If you win a large prize, you'll receive an informational sheet that asks you how you'd like to be paid. Click here to see the info form you will receive so you can be ready to receive a prize. See for Prize payments more info.
Class Prizes
Generous Class Prizes are offered in this tournament. To see the current leaders for these prizes see CSW prizes and NWL prizes
The NWL divisions each have two classes, while Collins has three classes. There are prizes for 1st and 2nd in class B (and C in Collins)
Read more about class prizes here: Class Prizes
Upcoming Tournaments
Join us again at LakeGeorge 2024 and New Year's 2025
Ride to Philly
There is a player looking for ride to Philadelphia. Contact Kieran for details if you can help out!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Pics of the day: 7/5/2024
Live Streaming
Adam Logan and Austin Shin on stream. Note Austin's twitch handle AUSTINHO9 appears without the 9 on the back of his soccer jersey
Scrabblers In THe Outdoors
Three friends, Nicole Karazian, Megan McMahon and Judi Boviard going for a walk before games
Trivia winners
The winning team: Missä on Paavo Pesusieni? (Where is Spongebob? in Finnish) composed of Ida Ann Shapiro, Jason Keller, Jason Ubeika, Kathi, and Jim Fonti
Beth was joined by a lively crowd at the Hotel Restaurant
Eric and mates dined down under at The Outback. Photo to follow
End of July 7th briefing
End of October 17th briefing
Saturday, July 6 2024
NOTE: Main Event Play begins at 9:30 AM Sunday Morning.
Welcome wonderful Scrabblers to the 27th annual Fourth of of July Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled to have you join us for this multiday tile shuffling, bingo-making, friendship building time.
Important Info
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Lunch only option at the hotel bar. Enjoy a discounted menu of to-go options. You can order ahead and pick up your lunch after morning games.
Saturday, July 6 Schedule
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 16-19
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 20-23
7:30 PM Hosted dinner---> sign up before noon tomorrow. Confirmations went out this evening, but if you sign up tomorrow you will receive your confirmation by the start of the afternoon session.
Friday's Prizes: High Win Rounds 8-15
Congrats to today's prize Winners!
Collins:(#28) Ivan Sentongo Details here : CSW prizes
Division A: (A1) Joey Krafchick, (B7) Lilla Sinanan, (C11) Brian Anderson Details here: NWL prizes
Class Prizes
Generous Class Prizes are offered in this tournament. To see the current leaders for these prizes see CSW prizes and NWL prizes
The NWL divisions each have two classes, while Collins has three classes. There are prizes for 1st and 2nd in class B (and C in Collins)
Read more about class prizes here: FAQ
Ride to Philly
There is a player looking for ride to Philadelphia. Contact Kieran for details if you can help out!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
The other SIDE of 609
Pictured is Brian Garnett who was on the losing end of a 609 played by Lilla Sinanan who won the high win prize in division B
Triva In Progress
Matthew O'Connor challenges many eager teams to answer some tough trivia questions
Trivia winners
The winning team: Missä on Paavo Pesusieni? (Where is Spongebob? in Finnish) composed of Ida Ann Shapiro, Jason Keller, Jason Ubeika, Kathi, and Jim Fonti
After Hours Mah Jongg
Joel and Judy Horn play Mah-jongg with Ida Ann Shapiro and Margo Kuno
AFter hours Chess and Scrabble
Brian looks a little happier playing chess with Allison Hutt
Matthew O'Connor and Niel Gan stick to Scrabble
End of July 6th briefing
Friday, July 5, 2024
NOTE: Main Event Play begins at 9:30 AM Friday Morning
Welcome wonderful Scrabblers to the 27th annual Fourth of of July Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled to have you join us for this multiday tile shuffling, bingo-making, friendship building time.
Important Info
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Lunch and dinner to-go option at the hotel bar. Enjoy a discounted menu of to-go options. You can order ahead and pick up your lunch or dinner after morning or afternoon games.
Friday, July 5 Schedule
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 8-11
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 12-15
9:00 PM - 10:30 AM Team Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)
Thursday Prizes: Upset Win Rounds 1-7
Congrats to today's prize Winners!
Collins: (#25) Joe Roberdeau details: Collins prizes
Division A: (A21) Noah Goldstein, Division B: (B27) Richard Price, Division C: (C30) Lea Shin details: TWL prizes
Ride to Philly
There is a player looking for ride to Philadelphia. Contact Kieran for details if you can help out!
Upcoming Social Event Details
Friday 9 PM to 10:30pm Team Trivia
Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to the top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)
Saturday 7:30 PM Hosted dinners
Saturday, July 6, 7:30pm with Eric Goldstein at Outback Steakhouse Menu Location: 145 Wolf Rd, Albany NY 12205 (4 min drive / 11 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Spots still available for Eric's hosted dinner, please sign up here if you haven't already. Beth's hosted dinner is full: sign up
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
for their sponsorship of the Ultimate Scrabble Showdown and Congrats to winner Will Anderson, pictured with Josh Greenway and Judy Cole
to the winners of the Early Bird Tournament. Pictured are:
Annette Obrestad, Josh Greenway, Elion Silver-Frankel, Linda Wancel, Buffy Hogan, Mathew O'Connor, Ashton Gilbert, Julia Bogle, Benjamin Ansell, Noah Kalus and Eric Goldstein. Not pictured Adam Logan,
Hosted DInner
thanks to Robin Pollock-Daniel and those who attended the hosted dinner at Red Lobster
End of July 5th briefing
Thursday, July 4, 2024
NOTE: Main Event Play begins at 11:30 Thursday Morning, please arrive 11:15 Thursday.
Welcome wonderful Scrabblers to the 27th annual Fourth of of July Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled to have you join us for this multiday tile shuffling, bingo-making, friendship building time.
Important Info
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Lunch and dinner to-go option at the hotel bar. Enjoy a discounted menu of to-go options. You can order ahead and pick up your lunch or dinner after morning or afternoon games.
Wedneday, July 3 RESULTS
Congrats to Will Anderson winning the best of 7 Ultimate Scrabble Showdown 4-2 over Wellington Jighere. It was a huge delight to watch these worthy champions compete. If you missed the action live, you can always catch it later at https://www.youtube.com/@letsplayscrabbledotcom
Congrats to the early bird winners Mathew O'Connor, Adam Logan, Eric Goldstein, Annette Obrestad, Noah Kalus, Benjamin Ansell, Linda Wancel, Julia Bogle, Elion Silver-Frankel, Ashon Gilbert and Buffy Hogan
See the complete Standings at: Standings
Thursday July 4 Schedule
11:30 AM - 3:15 PM Main Event Rounds 1-4, then 30 minute snack break
3:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 5-7
9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Hosted dinner---> sign up
Upcoming Social Event Details
Thursday 7:30 PM Hosted dinners
Thursday, July 4, 7:30pm with Robin Pollock-Daniel at Red Lobster Menu 170 Wolf Road, Albany (2 min drive / 5 min walk from Marriott Albany)
A few spots are still available for Robin's hosted dinner, please sign up here BEFORE THE START of PLAY on Thursday: sign up .
We will finalize Thursday's dinner list by 3:30 PM.
Friday 9 PM to 10:30pm Team Trivia
Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to the top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)
Saturday 7:30 PM Hosted dinners
Saturday, July 6, 7:30pm with Eric Goldstein at Outback Steakhouse Menu Location: 145 Wolf Rd, Albany NY 12205 (4 min drive / 11 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Spots still available for Eric's hosted dinner, please sign up here if you haven't already. Beth's hosted dinner is full: sign up
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Pics of the day: 7/4/2024
Yesterday's exciting Ultimate Scrabble Showdown between Will Anderson and Wellington Jighere.
Also some exciting after hours play
End of July 4 Briefing
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Welcome wonderful Scrabblers to the 27th annual Fourth of of July Scrabble tournament! We are so thrilled to have you join us for this multiday tile shuffling, bingo-making, friendship building time.
Important Info
Playing Room Wi-Fi Network: Marriott_Conference
Playing Room Wi-Fi Password: marriott2024
Lunch and dinner to-go option at the hotel bar. Enjoy a discounted menu of to-go options. You can order ahead and pick up your lunch or dinner after morning or afternoon games.
Wednesday's Schedule
11:30 AM - 3:15 PM Early Bird Rounds 1-4, then 30 minute snack break
2:30 PM - 8:30PM Ultimate Scrabble Showdown: Best of 7 Will Anderson vs Wellington Jighere. Stream
3:45 PM - 6:45 PM Early Bird Rounds 5-7
9:00 PM - 12:00 AM After hours, game room open for play
Ultimate Scrabble Showdown Details
Ultimate Scrabble Showdown: Will Anderson vs Wellington Jighere
On Wednesday, July 3rd, at 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT / 7:30 PM UK time, witness an epic best-of-7 head-to-head match between two Scrabble titans: 2017 North American Champion and YouTube Superstar Will Anderson versus 2015 World Scrabble Champion and 2024 North American Champion Wellington Jighere. $250 dollars to the winner, 20 minute clocks, and expert commentary from Matt Canik and reigning Scrabble Champ Josh Sokol.
Best-of-Seven Schedule (July 3rd, 2024):
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM ET: Games 1-2
4:15 PM - 5:45 PM ET: Games 3-4
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM ET: Game 5 (if necessary)
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM ET: Games 6-7 (if necessary)
Don't miss out on the action: Watch from our Stream Room across the hall from the Playing Room. Or you can stream LIVE at the Let’s Play Scrabble YouTube Channel or the NASPA Game Facebook Group by clicking this link: Stream
Upcoming Social Event Details
Thursday 7:30 PM Hosted dinners
Thursday, July 4, 7:30pm with Robin Pollock-Daniel at Red Lobster Menu 170 Wolf Road, Albany (2 min drive / 5 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Thursday, July 4, 7:30pm with Josh Greenway at Marriott Market Cafe (the tournament hotel) menu pending Location: in hotel between bar and playing room
Spots still available for either, please sign up here if you haven't already: sign up
Friday 9 PM to midnight Team Trivia
Trivia in game room. Participation is free. Prizes to the top 2 winning teams (up to 5 players/team)
Saturday 7:30 PM Hosted dinners
Saturday, July 6, 7:30pm with Eric Goldstein at Outback Steakhouse Menu Location: 145 Wolf Rd, Albany NY 12205 (4 min drive / 11 min walk from Marriott Albany)
Saturday, July 6, 7:30pm with Beth Mix at Marriott Market Cafe (the tournament venue hotel) menu pending, Location: in hotel between bar and playing room
Spots still available for either, please sign up here if you haven't already: sign up
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Pic of the day: 7/3/2024
Meet your Hosts: Kieran and Josh
Josh and Kieran enjoy hanging out at Scrabble tournaments, singing karaoke, and watching Star Trek.
They apply their professional skills, use the latest technology, and seek to continually improve our communications, operations, and safety protocols to deliver the best player experience possible.
Joined here by Beth Mix
End of July 3 Briefing
2024 Montreal Scrabblefest Daily Briefing
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Happy Sunday! We are almost at the Main Event finish line with 4 games to go. If today's your last day, thanks so much for playing!
Important Info
Network name. Best Western - Client
Access code/password Password: bweuropa
The restaurant on the playing floor offers a 15% discount for those staying at the hotel
Sunday’s Schedule
Note: If you are staying at the hotel, please come to the playing room checked out of your room.
9:00 AM BAGEL BREAKFAST (served outside playing room)
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 12-15
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Main Event Awards
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Montreal Walking Tour with Josh Sokol
7:30 PM Hosted Dinner with Josh Sokol
Monday’s Start Time
7:45 AM Quebec City Day Trip Meet up (see below)
9:30 AM Late Bird
Social Event Details
Walking Tour - Sunday at 4pm
Join Josh Sokol on a free walking tour of Old Montreal. Everyone is welcome.
The meeting place is at the fountain in Place Jacques Cartier at 4pm (the fountain is behind the obelisk pictured below). You are responsible to finding your own way there. If you can't find us, use the What's App group.
Hosted Dinner - Sunday at 730pm
Dinner with Josh on Sunday is full. If you're on the list, you have received an email with details. If you can't make it, please let Christine know asap so we can open a spot.
Bounty Prizes for the Main Event!
Each day of the (Main Event) tournament, each division will compete for a $50 bounty prize. Here's the schedule of bounty prizes for the Main Event tournament:
Sunday (Games 12-14): High Loss (first 3 games only)
Saturday Morning's Winners (Bounty Prizes, Round 4-7: Low Win)
Division A: Eric Goldstein 344
Division B: Benjamin Pries 344
Division C: Cynthia Scotti 326-320
Division CSW: Tobey Roland 379
Saturday Afternoon's Winners (Bounty Prizes, Round 8-11: Biggest Upset)
Division A: Ryan Chepita 1891-1668=223
Division B: Mike Downey 1541-1078=463
Division C: Rebecca Karlen 863-529=334
Division CSW: Chris Ten Den 2063-1448=615
Join the What’s App Group
We’re trying something new this year: we have a What’s App group that anyone can join by clicking here → link
Stay connected with your fellow Scrabble players in Montreal, receive real-time updates, and coordinate social plans, allowing you to seamlessly join impromptu events, share recommendations, share photos and more!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Pic of the day: 5/26/2024
In the first live streamed game yesterday afternoon, Annette Obrestad laid down the very pretty play of PETTICO(AT), a nine that blew everyone watching away.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Good morning Scrabblers! We have a fun filled day planned for you. Swing by the playing room at 9am to enjoy hot fresh St Viateur bagels.
Important Info
Network name. Best Western - Client
Access code/password Password: bweuropa
The restaurant on the playing floor offers a 15% discount for those staying at the hotel
Saturday’s Schedule
9:00 AM BAGEL BREAKFAST (served outside playing room)
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM Main Event Rounds 4-7
2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Main Event Rounds 8-11
7:30 PM Group Dinner (opt-in)
10:00 PM Karaoke Party (opt-in)
Sunday’s Start Time
9:30 AM
Bounty Prizes for the Main Event!
Each day of the (Main Event) tournament, each division will compete for a $50 bounty prize. Here's the schedule of bounty prizes for the Main Event tournament:
Saturday (Games 4-7): Low Win
Saturday (Games 8-11): Biggest Ratings Upset
Sunday (Games 12-14): High Loss (first 3 games only)
Friday's Winners (Bounty Prizes, Round 1-3)
Division A: Jason Li 591
Division B: Brian McCarthy 505
Division C: Sophia Ozorio 490
Division CSW: Quinn James 564
Sign up for Social Events
Click this link to sign up for social events (group dinners, karaoke, Quebec City Tour), all family members and friends welcome → link
Some events are first come first serve and spaces may be limited. If you've already signed up, we'll send you a confirmation email soon.
Tonight is a group dinner Saturday night at Restaurant Escondite, 1224 Drummond. 2 minute walk from hotel. We have a private covered terrace reserved and the weather looks divine. $40 prix fixe with shared platters. Alcoholic drinks are specially priced for us at $12.
After dinner is our Karaoke Party from 10am-1am. Both the dinner and Karaoke Party are walking distance from the hotel.
Join the What’s App Group
We’re trying something new this year: we have a What’s App group that anyone can join by clicking here → link
Stay connected with your fellow Scrabble players in Montreal, receive real-time updates, and coordinate social plans, allowing you to seamlessly join impromptu events, share recommendations, share photos and more!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Pic of the day: 5/25/2024
Special thanks to our Social Director Christine who arranged all the social events, bought all the snacks, and welcomed players (along with our special welcome ambassador Farrah)!
Friday, May 24, 2024
Bienvenue à Montréal, Scrabble enthusiasts! We are looking forward to an exciting tournament and exploring the city’s rich culture and culinary delights. Pace yourselves and LET’S PLAY SCRABBLE!
Important Info
Network name. Best Western - Client
Access code/password Password: bweuropa
Friday’s Schedule
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM Registration (Please arrive no later than 715pm)
7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Main Event Rounds 1-3
If you are running late, please call/text 315-481-8541 or message in the event WhatsApp group
Saturday’s Start Time
9:30 AM
If you’re staying at the hotel, you can receive a parking voucher at the front desk which gives you a $19/day+tax rate at one of two lots. Both lots are a 5 minute walk from the hotel
Stationnement Jimmy (1175 Rue de la Montagne, Montréal, QC H3G 1Z2)
AutoParc Stanley (1200 Stanley St, Montreal, Quebec H3B 2S8)
If you don’t mind walking a few blocks, the underground parking at Cours Mont Royal (1455 Rue Peel, Montréal, Quebe , H3A 1T5) is $8 after 4pm Fridays and $12 all day Saturday and Sunday. 10 minute walk to the hotel.
Sign up for Social Events
Click this link to sign up for social events (group dinners, karaoke, Quebec City Tour), all family members and friends welcome → link
Some events are first come first serve and spaces may be limited. If you've already signed up, we'll send you a confirmation email soon.
Our first social event is a group dinner Saturday night at Restaurant Escondite, 1224 Drummond. 2 minute walk from hotel. We have a private covered terrace reserved and the weather looks divine. $40 prix fixe with shared platters. Alcoholic drinks are specially priced for us at $12.
Join the What’s App Group
We’re trying something new this year: we have a What’s App group that anyone can join by clicking here → link
Stay connected with your fellow Scrabble players in Montreal, receive real-time updates, and coordinate social plans, allowing you to seamlessly join impromptu events, share recommendations, share photos and more!
Bounty Prizes for the Main Event!
Each day of the (Main Event) tournament, each division will compete for a $50 bounty prize. Here's the schedule of bounty prizes for the Main Event tournament:
Friday (Games 1-3):High Win
Saturday (Games 4-7): Low Win
Saturday (Games 8-11): Biggest Ratings Upset
Sunday (Games 12-14): High Loss (first 3 games only)
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We’ll be live streaming the event on our YouTube channel. Please consider following our channel here (it really helps!): Click here to follow
We’ve also launched a ‘learn’ section of our site which can be found here: https://www.letsplayscrabble.com/learn
Emergency Contact Info
Player safety is the number one priority at our tournaments. In the event of an emergency, having your contact information can be crucial. Please update your Emergency Contact information by clicking this link.
Pic of the day: 5/24/2024
In 2022, a group dinner following the end of the tournament
In 2023, a group sits down for cocktails and champagne after the Old Montreal Walking Tour
In 2024, a preview of the menu for Saturday's group dinner
2024 Canadian Scrabble Classic Daily Briefing
Sunday, March 3, 2024
It's the final day of the 2024 Canadian Scrabble Classic. All the games so far were just a warm-up for what's coming today. Shake your tiles and sharpen your pencils as we get ready to play some serious Scrabble. It's time to show off those word skills and bring home some prize money!
Farewell message
If you enjoyed your time with us, the best way to say thank you is to 1) tell a friend and 2) fill out the player survey you'll receive soon after the event. It's how we evaluate what's working well, and it's our main tool for improving your tournament experience.
Important Info
Network name. Marriott Bonvoy_Guest.
Scroll down and Click on “connect with access code.”
Access code/password Password: MARRIOTT21
You might become Famous!
A local documentary film crew from Belleville will be filming some of the action this weekend, in addition to some local press covering the tournament. You may be asked for an interview (always optional, of course). We're also offering free tours of the tournament to local residents to try to 'spread the words'.
Bounty Prizes for the Main Event!
Each day of the (Main Event) tournament, each division will compete for a bounty prize. Here's the schedule of bounty prizes for the Main Event tournament:
Sunday (Games 12-14): High Loss (first 3 games only)
Saturday's Winners (Bounty Prizes, Round 4-11, Biggest Rating Upset - 2 prizes per division)
Division A: Gregg Bigourdin (507), Heather McCall (380)